November 2, 2011


Apparently the professors are talking about me. One of them asked MC (another graduate student) why I was getting my Master's degree. Now, it could have been an innocent question, and that's how MC took it - or at least that's how he is telling me to take it - but I feel like it's as if the professors are saying "What is she doing here?" and it's making me ask the same question.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but I don't like computer science. It was interesting the first 3 or 4 classes, then got tolerable, then got annoying, and now I just straight up dislike it. So why, why, why did I come back for another degree in it?!

Pa-tooey! I spit on you, computer science!

Hopefully this post won't cost me a job later on down the road, but if you can't be honest, what can you be?  My main life goal is to get a job that has nothing to do with any of this. Is that allowed?

I have to admit, I've been thinking a lot about *gasp* teaching. Don't tell my mother. I mean...what if I could get a job teaching at a community college? Something like the 1150 classes I've been teaching? Is that a possibility? Maybe?

I have got to get over this funk. It's like the dark side that comes after senior-itis. I'm not just over school, I'm over my chosen career path entirely.


  1. Don't be too hasty about deciding you hate the whole thing. You have only experienced academic computer science. The real world is a very different place. On the other hand, teaching is a noble profession as well. Just don't make a life decision based on your school experiences. Things may look a lot different outside of academia. And the professor was probably just wondering what you were planning on doing with your advanced degree. Paranoid much?

  2. I do have a high level of paranoia. ;)

    I am hoping to find a job I can enjoy, and am good at. I've always thought CS was a broad enough field to keep my options open. After watching my friends find jobs, and reading the job openings sent through the department, I'm starting to get worried it's a little more narrow than I was hoping for.

    But I just have to wait until it's time to start looking for a job. The perfect opportunity may present itself in the near future. :D

  3. I don't really know anything about it, but my advice would be the same. You've come this far, see how a job/real life treats you before you head off in a different direction.
