March 20, 2012


Do you have to type a captcha to comment on my blog? Because everyone else you do and I find that very annoying. I apologize if that's the case. I don't know how to turn it off, but I would if I could. Let me know if you do and I'll investigate. I'm not nearly popular enough to warrant a large spam following. I wish I was...

Speaking of, I have a friend who said I should get my own site and not go through Blogger. Throw some ads up and try to make money on it. You think that would be possible? A wise investment? I could be the next Dooce! Tell me your opinions. AND START COMMENTING. I've been told I'm funny, but I don't buy it.


  1. I think blogger is a good start. You can always buy your domain name (like I have done) and it will automatically transfer people to the blogger site. I just find it easier and cheaper that way. Of course, either way is good. Their is a way in settings to turn the captcha off. It is annoying...I turned the one on my site off.

    And yes, I think you are funny!

    1. Thank you! I'll look into removing the captcha. If spam ever does become an issue I can always turn it back on. :)

  2. You just rambling is funny to me, because of your tone and thought process, and it's freaking hilarious. :) Also, if I'm double commenting, it's the Captcha. Or at least my comments show up twice for me.
    I personally like having my own website. It's definitely not worth it starting up, but if you keep at it and get a following, I would recommend you switch.

    1. I've noticed this site doing that, too. You post a comment and it goes all crazy and doubles all the comments. Doesn't happen all the time, and it's only when you view it in that session - always F5 it before you delete an "extra" comment. (You probably already know that, but another one of my friends freaked out and kept deleting/re-commenting. :)

      And I'm glad you think I'm funny! :D You can't hear the laughter over the I never know. And I'm always in my head so I never know if I think I'm funnier than I am, or less funny that I am.

  3. Drink more, that makes you super hilarious! But yes, you are funny anyway :)
