August 5, 2012


My name is Sarah Wilson and I:

  • Support the legalization of marijuana - not just as a "medicinal herb" but for funsies, too.
  • Support the right for all consenting adults to marry the consenting adult of their choosing.
  • Do NOT support the "right" for women to abort unplanned pregnancies.
    • Some exceptions: health reasons - baby and/or mother is going to die otherwise.
    • Some gray areas: rape, incest, etc.
  • Am a Christian and believe the only way you will enter Heaven is to also be a Christian, and if you aren't a Christian you will spend an eternity in Hell - what exactly "Hell" is, I don't know. Don't care to ever find out, thankyouverymuch.
Any other controversial topics you want me to weigh in on? Other than mother effing Chick-fil-a. I swear to Moses I'll punch you in the tenders (heh - "tenders") if you bring that nonsense up.


  1. I concur with all of these statements. I also don't care to find out what Hell is like. So, do you think you have to go to church and be like a super devout Christian or do you believe that being saved and believing in Jesus is enough to make it into Heaven?

    1. It may be a cop-out, but I feel that an individual's "Christianity" is a personal experience. This is kind of my viewpoint on homosexuality as well. Sure, the Bible lists all these "rules" - in the Old Testament. But when Jesus came, he abolished the old laws and replaced them with two simple rules: Love God and love each other. I don't think any law from the Old Testament is a law we have to obey today. Otherwise men wouldn't be allowed to cut their beards/hair, and women wouldn't be allowed to speak. lol

      Anyway, all that to say... I don't know. I'm not responsible for knowing someone's heart. God knows, and we can only hope we're doing it right. Will homosexuals be in Heaven? I have no idea. But what you believe is between you and God. I'm not sure I'll ever be 100% confident I'm doing the right things in my life. But maybe that's better than cocooning yourself in the belief that you're doing it all right and then missing Heaven.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't know why it says my comment was deleted! All it said was "you make my heart happy Sarah Bell Wilson"

  4. But...Hell is where the Internet is. How will you ever survive?!
