August 31, 2012

Friday Tunes

Day 13: A Song That is a Guilty Pleasure

2011: "Tight Pants Body Rolls" by Leslie Hall

What I said: "I protest the word 'guilty.' I'm not ashamed of absolutely loving this song. But since 95% of the rest of the world seems to not...."

2012: "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen

So I really do love this song. So much. It makes me happy. :D And this video? Shirtless dewd be SMOKIN. Also, the ending? I cracked up. His face! So glorious.

1 comment:

  1. The videos just MAKE these songs, really. I enjoy them, if nothing more than for a giggle.
    And a smokin hot guy in the Call Me Maybe vid. ;)
