July 30, 2013

100 Days of Pictures: Day 20

Somewhere I Want To Travel

This one is tricky, because I'm trying to only use pictures that I've already uploaded to Facebook. And I don't usually post "I'd love to go HERE" pictures. >.< Let's see what I can find...

Alright, I'm using two different pictures. Suck it.

The first one I came across was from Bonnaroo. You guys, it was so much fun. We got to see PAUL MCCARTNEY. We got to MACKLEMORE. WE GOT TO SEE WEIRD AL. Plus, you know, other stuff, too. Those were my big three, though. No clue who is playing next year, but I know I want to be there. 8}

Kind of a weird picture, but when I saw it I was like "YES! Barnes & Noble!" lol! When I took the picture, I got a kick out of Fifty Shades of Grey being beside a Lincoln biography, or whatever that is. 'Murica. Anyway, I asked for books for my birthday this year and instead was given money to buy my own books. >.< It's cool - I've already bought 7 with the Amazon gift card my sister gave me. It was $25 and I still have $3 left! I had nearly 130 books on my list, so I just went through and chose the cheapest Kindle books on there. Got 2 or 3 for $0.99. 8} Anyway, all that to say I need to spend the rest of my birthday money! All on books!!!

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