March 20, 2012


So Mr. T has been sleeping on the couch, due to my sickness. The lack of physical contact with humans is really starting to get to me, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not one that's big on touching usually, but after a week of being at home...I'm starting to lose it.

Anyway. This morning I went to cuddle with him (staying on top of the sheets, per his demands) and was all "mm" and he's all "mm" and I'm all "mm" - not in a naughty way or anything. He's just still mostly asleep so he didn't want to talk. It's kind of like cave man grunting, only softer. Well, Khat jumps up beside him and is all "mrow?" and we're all "mm?" at the same was funny. Hard to explain with onomatopoeia...

Anywhoodles - HAPPY FIRST DAY OF SPRING! I never even saw winter sneak by.
