February 5, 2012


There are many different moods I can become when I drink. Happy, loud, hyper...those are all representative of a good night. Tearful, moody, angry...those all mean a bad night. Tonight it looks like things are turning bad. I'm very disappointed. Especially since the team I randomly chose minutes before the Super Bowl started won in the last glorious minute of the game... I was not anticipating my night ending like this.

Boo, alcohol. Tonight my teetotaling parents win. Alcohol is bad.


  1. Alcohol is never bad. You're using it wrong. Try this!

    1. You know, if that link had some sort of copyrighted material on it SOPA passing could cause my blog to be banned thanks to you. ;) To be fair, I'm pretty sure my YouTube video postings would have gotten me black-listed way before this.

    2. How do you know that's not my plan? You're competition chica! Watch your back ;)

  2. Wait, your random team won... I had to read that a couple of times. But I def agree, alcohol can be wonderful, but sometimes, it's the worst.

    I'm sorry your night turned sour. :/
