February 19, 2012

Sunday Movie Review

With such memorable quotes as:
"There's a dick in Angela's mouth!"
Plus many, many more I can't remember because it's been a few months since I watched it...how can you not want to watch this movie??

I mean, come on. It's about an alien that takes over Ron Jeremy's penis and goes on a killing spree. This movie is a masterpiece.

Okay, maybe not a masterpiece. It's not even all that great. But it's funny. And if you have a Netflix instant queue you should definitely check it out. I think you can even watch it in bits on YouTube.

Sorry that this one doesn't go into as much detail as my last one. But I like this movie more than I liked Limitless (I don't want to ruin the plot before you can see it!), and it's been much longer since I watched it, so the details are fuzzy. I do remember at one point the penis hides in a dead rat to sneak up on them. DO YOU REALLY NEED MORE CONVINCING??


  1. "How long's it gonna take to re-light?"



    1. Yeah, the writing was pretty great. It's just so ridiculous.

  2. I have been convinced to never watch this ever, but I'm not surprised parts of Ron Jeremy are falling off, or inhabited by evil. Ooo, someone should, if they haven't already, make a video of this movie to Detachable Penis!

