March 18, 2013

Hopes and Dreams: Day 18

Day 18: What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?

Hmmm... Nothing super terrible has happened to me.

I dated douchebag for about a year, and he was pretty terrible. He was idiot. He told me we might "accidentally" have sex one night, that he would more than likely cheat on me and I had to be okay with that, he was happy when he graduated while I was still in school so he wouldn't have to go to church with me for two years (before we got married, I suppose). He also talked about his ex a lot (they had been engaged). He had a ton of pictures of her that he wouldn't throw out (including some porn on his computer). When I finally did break up with him he took back everything he had given me, including his old wireless router he had given me when he bought a nicer one and the PSP he bought me. He had originally given me his old PSP when he bought a new one. Then he dropped it and broke it and insisted on buying me a brand new one, even though I told him not to. And then, since one of the reasons I broke it off was because of the whole "don't like church" thing, he got baptized by my college minister at my church to try and get me back. I

The only other thing that still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth is what my cousin did regarding some pictures of me she saw online. If you know the story, good for you. If you don' can dig through the archives or just not worry about it.

Oh oh oh - and MC!

Actually - I don't think I've forgiven any of these people. I'm still pretty bitter. I have this app called Fig and you list things you need to do, and how often you need to do them. Like...drink water 8x per day. Exercise 4x per week. And so on. One of mine is actually "release my resentments" and much like my "avoid touching my face"'s more of a reminder. I never actually go "Oh, yes - resentments released!" And 90% of the time when I see the "avoid touching my face"....I'm actually touching my face. It is a useful little app, though. Like just now when I pulled it up to make sure I phrased those two correctly I saw that I hadn't taken my vitamin yet today, so I did that. Woo, Fig!! Ooohh...I'm also due to "soak in a bath".


  1. I wasted 2 yrs on a useless douchbag boyfriend so don't feel too bad.. Oh, and the picture "scandal" thing pissed me off big time... yeah.. lets harass the married, college graduate who's been a moral responsible person their whole life over a couple of pictures. Most gals your age are on their 4th Ghetto baby and working at McDonalds... yeah.. pick your fights people. Omg. ~Jennifer N.

    1. :) Thank you! When it first happened I had this awful, panicked guilty feeling...then as things progressed I realized she was being crazy and I hadn't done anything wrong. But it still feels good to get validation from others.

  2. It is hard to forgive sometimes. And like with your (all of our) douche(s), sometimes it's just a "WTF was I thinking?!", and move on.

    And the picture drama is still absolutely stupid. They were tasteful pictures, and they do not make you a bad person or whatever anyone wants to say. People need to get their priorities straight and keep their nose out of business not involving them.

    As for forgiveness, I hold some hella grudges. Actually, it's hardest for me to forgive myself. Little D finally made me feel human and forgive myself, but we know what happened there. Which just made it harder for me to let go and forgive everything. Le sigh, Life.

  3. Well I can definitely say I'm happy I didn't make this list. Not that I have any reason to think I should have. :P


