March 3, 2013

Hopes and Dreams: Day 3

Day 3: Describe your relationship with your parents.


I'd say it's pretty good. I'm definitely the black sheep of the family, and we've had some majorly rocky moments...but I haven't been disowned or had the desire to scream "IhateyouIhateyouIhateyou!" at them. So there's that. They're definitely not fans of my tattoos, or hairstyle choices. When Mom saw a liquor store purchase on my bank statement she flipped. her. lid. You know that weird scream-crying that only happens in movies? Oh that happened IRL. She told me it hurt worse than when her parents died in a car accident a few months prior (which, I feel, isn't true - Mom is a bit dramatic - but...maybe) and I should've just stabbed her in the back. We hide Mr. T's tobacco-stick addiction from them. Oh! Mom saw my hookah once, and tried to take it away from me. She said she would "give it back" which....made no sense. I was in my 20s at the time. I was like...what, you'll give it back when I turn 18?! I don't understand...

So, yeah - I'd say I've definitely caused more trouble for them than my brother or sister. But only because my parents' world is very (very) black and white, and Mr. T and I live in fifty shades of gray (snicker). Nothing in our world is as clear and simple as everything in my parents'. But they love me, and I love them. We've worked out a decent arrangement where we don't discuss anything that will upset them (aka - Mom). People are all "You're a married adult - don't hide your tattoos/drinking/etc. from your parents." and to them I saw "Are you a member of my family? No? Then stfu. This works for us."


  1. I'm just glad my parents roll their eyes and laugh at me. They think tattoos and piercings are expensive and ridiculous, but we've reached the "We're not going to talk about this" level as well.
    Definitely thought they'd disown me for a lot, but they've proven themselves a little more relaxed than I imagined.

    1. Yeah, it's always good when parents give up on trying to change who you are.
