March 21, 2013

Hopes and Dreams: Day 21

Day 21: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?

Dude. Flying. E'erytime. This will never not be flying, if you ask me. FLYING WOULD BE THE COOLEST THING EVER. I would fly everywhere. EVERYwhere. So much fun!


  1. You and I completely agree on this! I would still do things like soccer and stuff, but god if I could fly, that would be the most amazing thing ever! Definitely my super power of choice too.

  2. That makes three of us! I would love to go to eat, visit a friend, commute to work, etc., and ALWAYS be able to take the scenic route! And save gas of course. :P

    Plus, if I ever happen to get into a lightsaber duel, I'll be sure to have the high ground.

  3. Yeah, go us! And both of you got totally off-topic with your "soccer and stuff" and "lightsaber duel" nonsense. Stay on task!
